Working from home has afforded me the opportunity to get into birding and bird photography. Below are a few of my faves. All photos were taken between October 2020 to March 2021. So far I've been able to identify 4 different woodpeckers in my yard.
Red Bellied Woodpecker I've seen them in my yard since setting up my tri-pod Downey Woodpecker Another bird that I have seen at the feeders since setting up my tri-pod in October. Fun fact. The Downey woodpecker is the same size of the titmouse. They are not a big bird at all. I'll see them chomping on the suet and snacking at the feeders Tufted Titmouse Of all the birds that hangout in the yard. The Tufted Titmouse has the best personality. Much like hummingbirds, the titmouse is pretty sassy and has zero problem chasing off any other birds. I have caught them on several occasions munching at the birdfeeder with other birds We've seen them perching on the front porch. I'm convinced they like to torment the cats. The titmouse has been seen so far every day since I set up my tri-pod in October. Brown Thrasher The Brown Thrasher happens to be the state bird of Georgia I saw him in our yard in January 2021. He may have been around longer, however this is the only time I saw him at our feeders Northern Cardinal Male and female cardinals have been present in our yard since setting up my tri-pod Also, I don't know if it's just me eyes, but it seems like the further we get into winter the brighter the feathers of the male cardinal get. Blue Jay If you hear any squawking going on in your yard, more than likely it's blue jays. So I just recently found out that blue jays aren't really blue. In fact there aren't any "real" blue birds. There's some fancy scientific explanation or something like that. I'm dubious.. I mean, Just look at him! He looks pretty blue to me I've seen them in my yard since setting up my tri-pod White Breasted Nuthatch So, I didn't realize I've seen the nuthatch in my yard since setting up my tri-pod in October until I discovered Merlin and was able to upload a photo of one. Anywho.. These little fellas are quite the acrobats as you can see by the photos below Mourning Dove More often than not, you'll find the mourning dove on the ground picking up whatever is thrown out of the feeders. So I was pretty excited to capture one perching in a tree. If you listen closely you can hear their sad (mournful) cooing. Very distinct. The mourning doves have been visiting us since I set up my tri-pod. Carolina Chickadee The Carolina Chickadee is competing with the Tufted Titmouse at who cab be the sassiest. Where the titmouse will fly away if I walk near the birdfeeders the chickadee with chirp at me s if to give me instructions on how to properly fill them, I've seen the chickadees all through fall and winter and are still giving me grief into spring Dark Eyed Junco This little fella is not always that easy to see because he's pretty little and oddly blends in to the scenery. His main diet is everything that the other birds throw out of the feeders. I've never seen him anywhere other than on the ground. He's been around all through fall and winter and now into spring American Goldfinch So a fun fact about the American Goldfinch that we learned when trying to identify them. Like all birds they molt their feathers, however, the colors of their feathers change throughout the year. The American Goldfinches we saw in fall and winter were identified as Non-breeding male American Goldfinches. Not necessarily because they are too young, but because it's the "off" season for them. As winter has turned into spring you can see how their feathers become the golden color most are familiar with. Chipping Sparrow I'm not too sure how long the chipping sparrow has been hanging around because I may have thought they were a Carolina wren. You can recognize the sparrow by his fancy red mohawk. It really is one of it's most identifying features. As winter has turned into spring. I've been seeing more and more of them at the feeders This photo was taken mid winter Black Vulture So.. We have a large group of vultures that tend to hang out in the neighborhood. A little freaky. But hey. No dead animals laying around Carolina Wren To be honest. I didn't realize the Carolina Wren and Chipping Sparrow were two different birds. I mean.. Just look at how much they resemble the other. This is where the birding apps really help. A couple of differences between the two birds. The markings on their head. The chipping sparrow looks like he has a red mohawk I'm pretty sure I've never seen the Carolina Wren at the feeder. They pick up all the birdseed on the ground I've seen this little fella around all fall and winter Red Shouldered Hawk A rare sighting for us. And by sighting I mean, catching one just sitting around. Typically around our house you can see them in flight and almost always hear them screeching around the neighborhood. Between them and the vultures we really don't find any dead animals around. They are around all year long What a lot of people don't realize is, you can attract birds to your feeders all year long Here's what I currently have set up in my front yard: I have about 6 birdfeeders (this does not include the 2 hummingbird feeders that I will put out at the end of March)
I mentioned when the birds were seen in my yard to give you an idea of what time(s) of year you will find them in your own yard. Photography equipment used
Most of the photos were taken in the morning. The birdfeeders are typically hopping before noon. So it looks like I have fall and winter covered. I may have to do another post for spring and summer. Just as an FYI, I live in North Georgia This fun little blog post has turned into much more than I expected. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did taking the photos and identifying the birds. Georgia Every year I try to share some of my favorite flower photos from the previous year.
Anna Ruby Falls, GAMinnehaha Falls, GAAmicalola Falls, GADeep Creek, NCYellowstone Falls, MTNambe Falls, NMThese are just a few of the waterfalls we've hiked to
So.. I'm about 5.. Almost 6 months late with this.. But here we are... Here are some of the flower photos I took last year. Georgia Mostly props A few weeks ago my friend TK and I headed over to the Coronado Historic site for a props photo-shoot. A couple of fun cool things that happened that day. Checking out a new historic site here in NM. Hanging out with my friend TK Taking photos Helping TK for this years Brews & Props fundraiser for Angel Flight All props were painted by local artists.
This years Brews & Props takes place on November 2nd at the Indian Cultural Center. Click the button above for more information. Georgia If I see a beautiful flower I take photos of it.. I know, I know.. Taking a photo of flowers is so cliche.. I'm okay with that. Who doesn't want a little more beauty in their world? I do.. And I'm going to share. Here is my 2017 roundup of some of my favorites from last year. I love taking a macro shot of the Apache Plume. The details of this lovely.. Catcus. hmm. Wonder where this was taken? Actually I think it was taken near Carlsbad Caverns. The other photo is just a really cool bud I saw.. All kinds of mushrooms growing in the neighborhood Taken last summer in CA Purple IS the color of Royalty. Fun facts: The color purple has been associated with royalty, power and wealth for centuries. In fact, Queen Elizabeth I forbade anyone except close members of the royal family to wear it. Purple's elite status stems from the rarity and cost of the dye originally used to produce it Something about the hibiscus reminds me of my childhood growing up in south Florida. Until next year,
G For my sisterToday for Amy it’s all about trees. 1 Chronicles 16:33 Then shall the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. Blessings,
G Carrie & AnnaIt’s been an interesting year for me.. It’s had a lot of ups and downs. My sister sent me a text the other day and said I needed to start my blog again. I know she said it for more than just the fun of reading what I put in here. She sent it because she knows the joy I get from being able to share. So here goes. One day in April I was so blessed to go on a picnic with my friend Angie and her two girls Carrie and Anna to Amicalola Falls. Angie and I met when she was pregnant with Carrie over 18 years ago. We were instant friends. I like to think she’s my sister from another mister.
Angie and I. We’ve been through a lot together. Her babies being born. Me getting married and widowed. I’ve watched her girls grow into the beautiful young women they are today. Both are uniquely different and yet both possess their mother’s kind and loving spirit. It’s been a joy being a part of their lives and watching them grow up. One of the hardest things about living in New Mexico is being so far from my friend. But I know that when we are finally able to get together it’s like no time has passed and it’s always a great time The photos are of two of my favorite girls from that beautiful spring day in April at Amicalola Falls. The picnic was great, but the best was the time spent with these lovely ladies. When I think of Angie I give thanks.. God has been good to me. Proverbs 27:9 ESV /Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel. For more information on Amicaloa Falls follow the link below Blessings, G Albuquerque Botanic GardensI can’t think of a better way to start my weekend then taking a walk through the botanic gardens. It’s not quite spring but the gardens are coming back to life after a long cold winter Albuquerque Botanic Gardens
Blessings, G My sweet friend Regina and her boyfriend Derik
Taken Dec 2015 @ the Hotel Andaluz in downtown Albuquerque Blessings, G How do you spend a Saturday? Grab your friend Anne Marie, jump in your Subaru, head north to Santa Fe and make your way down a muddy, mushy dirt road to the Randall Davey Audubon Center and take a hike.. Inside the “Secret Garden”
After our hike we had a bite to eat and went shopping. I can’t think of a better way to spend a beautiful Saturday. We are planning on a spring trip when everything is in bloom. You’d be surprised what’s in your own backyard. Don’t be afraid to get out there and explore. For more info on the Audubon center in Santa Fe click the link below Blessings, G Little Buddy Or baby kitty, old man, buttdart, Mr. Whiskers… He has several names and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t care what you call him. Just as long as the water bowl and food bowl are full, the treats keep coming and the poop box is clean. He’s always thrilled to pose for me!! Always? Don’t believe him. He is not this innocent. He mostly just humors me. He even LOVES Krispy Kreme. But who doesn’t? The old man turned 15 this month. I got him when he was just a baby. He’s a typical jerk cat. He wants what he wants when he wants it. Not a second sooner and not a second later. He likes me best when the husband isn’t around and actually acts guilty when Randy sees him curled up in my lap.
So he and I have seen a lot and been through even more. I’m sure you’ll see more of him. Look for a new photo of Oscar every Saturday on my instagram @gigiming for #caturday #catsofinstagram Blessings, G The other night found me dining on Jimboy’s Tacos in the park.
Thankfully the locals were gracious hosts.. Randy and I have a membership to the Albuquerque BioPark and try to go to either the zoo or the botanic gardens as often as we can. I’m pretty sure he was using sign language. And not flipping us off For more information on the Rio Grande Zoo click on the link below
My goal is to not have any New Year’s resolutions. I want to make the changes before the end of 2015 so I can start 2016 in a happy and healthy place. In the summer small sunflowers (or dwarf sunflowers) grow wild here. In some places they line the road.. It’s not unusual for me to run home and grab my camera just to get a few photos of them. If you were to go through my digital folder of photos I feel pretty confident that you will find that I take a photo of at least one flower every single month. Matthew 6:28-29
28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. Two weeks in California
I am so thankful to have spent the past two weeks in California spending time with the husbands family and attending his nephews wedding. Photos below were taken outside my sister in laws house in Shingle Springs Partytime @ Tiffany'sEvery year my friend Tiffany Avery graciously opens her home to host what has to be the most clever holiday party ever. She gathers together not only friends but also friends who sell different merchandise. It’s the best of all worlds. A great opportunity to spend time with friends all the while shopping and noshing. Food, friends and shopping. Does it really get better than that? See below for the list of Vendors and links to their websites Tiffany – THE pampered chef!! Treat yourself to some new bling!! Don’t forget the refreshments Thank you ladies for another great afternoon!!
The modern working ladies Tupperware party. Please forgive me for not getting photos of all vendors. I was busy shopping. Vendors: Brandi Tafoya – Premier Designs Jennifer Thompson – Pampered Chef Diana Goguen & Sheree Palmerton – Thrity-one PJ Pagan – Mary Kay Blessings, G Posted December 2015 |
Like What You See? I am located in the North Georgia mountains. Archives
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